Friday, December 09, 2005

As much as you want me to be happy
I want that of you too.
And I'm sure you are - with her
Thats good! : )

Sometimes, no matter how hard we try to
go back to the past and search.
We'll never be able to find it,
for whatever that was lost
a few years back, can never
ever be found again.

A torn shirt, even after mending it,
will still show evidences of stitching.
The same for a broken glass -
The cracks will stay visible,
no matter how you try hiding it.

And so I thank you for the past two years
Those moments you never failed to bring
the smiles and laughters into my life
You have been an awesome friend/confidante
But sadly, things have changed.

All the best with her then : )


Been've feeling really down as of late
The tears I try so hard to keep back.

Nothing's working.
They get up and simply walk away
And I am left all alone to pick up the broken pieces

Empty and all alone, I feel
I wish you'd take me away from here soon, Lord.
Somehow, I feel it was a big mistake
bringing me here in the very first place.

For there is nothing left
just a big huge gaping hole that cannot be filled.

Why, take away innocent lives?
I'd gladly exchange mine for theirs, really.
I find no meaning in my life anyway.

Words can never come close to describing
what I feel, or rather, how I'm feeling.
I sit here in silence

The weight, pressing down hard on me
As I am overwhelmed with emotions
I just wanna cry myself to sleep
and hopefully, never wake again

Theres a limit to everything
and well, you have certainly
crossed the line.

I just never expected to hear
such words from you - a family member

How much hurt that one statement held.
I'm sorry, but you have hurt me deeply.
And for that, I dont see why I should
continue respecting you.


Nothings making it any better
I miss the friends, the clique

I wish I could talk to someone about it
Sheila's at camp, Shayna's away.
Everyone's busy.
Argh, FUCK!

I'm forced to fake a smile and laugh
everyday of my life.

For now, I'll just continue living
behind this mask.

Til my time here is up,
I hope to be spending enough time
with each and every single one of you'll.


PARTNER oh PARTNER! The OC soon please?  Posted by Picasa


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